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Holy Sweet Jesus Shit

When something surprising with a huge magnitude happens (IE: Pregnancy, The rapture, and/or Bon Jovi making a serious comeback) this phrase is used to express disbelief

Man #1-Hey did you hear the latest Nickel back song, its pretty good

Man #2- Holy Sweet Jesus Shit a GOOD nickelback song? Must investigate further.

by The Shephard April 3, 2009

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sweet deal sex chariot

1.pleasing or agreeable; delightful.2.a light, four-wheeled pleasure carriage.3.the word that defined a summer

-"Heidi gave Herman a pleasurable time in the sweet deal sex chariot."
-Abby told her friends proudly,"Hey guys! I ate 6 hot dogs!" the group replied in approval "Sweet Deal Sex Chariot"

by H+H December 5, 2006

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sweet child o mine

Remembering happier days of times gone by that nothing or noone can bring back.The smiles that reach the eyes that sometimes dont quite make it there no more.Times of carefree living, loving, grasping life by its coat tails and going for the ride.A time to cherish and appreciate and try never to let go of the spirit you had so happy within.To have one sound that can bring it all back even if for only a few minutes, to taste smell and savour....if only.

To take all that you enjoy and bottle it up for harder times and sink deep into the realms of bliss.

Take me back there just for a while
Remind me how it feels to smile
Let me be a child once more
Hoping and wishing is what those days were for.
Sweet child o mine

by sunshine rays July 29, 2006

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Sweet n low

A lower level sugar momma that doesn't spend as much money

I would hit up my "Sweet n low" but she is a cheap bitch.

by Stinkyfish22 December 14, 2016

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sweet pink thing

a man's dick

Hey Phil, get your sweet pink thing over here !

by little old salesman from NV March 16, 2010

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sweet baby jesus on a lawnmower

An exclamation when everything has gone to shit. I.e., your crazy coworker who was just fired has returned to the office with a handgun.

"Sweet baby Jesus on a lawnmower, it's Ahmed and the crazy mofo has a gun!"

by OhForF*cksSake March 27, 2015

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Sweet Sticks' Cake Pops

Some say they're like cake on a stick digested by chocolate and vanilla pegasi of the gods, but many say they're like a delicious mouth-watering formula of cake, frosting, and SWEET STICKS!!

Sweet Sticks' Cake Pops!!

by Sweet Sticks May 28, 2011

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