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text rage

When you waited forever for a reply to your text and the only thing that you can do is rage

I texted my crush and got text rage!!!

by Text-Rager September 9, 2013

Wacking Texts

When people "wack" texts at eachother.

Matthew-"Ill just wack you a text :)"
Sam-"Ill wack you one back ;)"
This is an example of Wacking Texts at one another

by ChorleyCake September 2, 2010

text pretend

Pretending to be with another person via text, while being geographically separated.

John: Hey Samantha, I won't be able to make it out to SF tonight, so we will pretend to hang out via text.

Samantha: You mean text pretend?

by Bryck April 19, 2014

April 9 - National Dirty Texting and Nudes day

APRIL 9 is National Dirty Texting and Nudes day!

Text that somebody special everything you wish you could do to them and show them what they’re missing out on!!

New chat - Hey! Today is April 9 - National dirty texting and nudes day! I want to fuck you!…here’s what you’re missing out on

New snap

Received chat - I would love that…come over!!

by fuckdonkeysass April 9, 2024

Text Deaf

The lack of hearing emphasis on a word because it is only text. Capital letters do not mean anything besides shouting!

Girl 1: That rainbow is HUGE.

Guy: Thats what she said.

Girl 2: Didn't you hear the sarcasm in her statement?

Guy: No I'm text deaf.

by Hyundaisalesman July 6, 2010

Text deaf

When someone ignores questions you text them and continue conversation skipping over parts

mom: “have you made a dentist appointment?”
Me: “have you seen my red shoes around?”

Mom: “no I haven’t and are you text deaf?”

by Legopuffer April 7, 2018

Text Following

When you are text-walking with a friend and follow them without noticing your direction.

I walked right into the men's bathroom because I was text following him

by Texter87 January 14, 2011