Source Code


for *PLAYERS ONLY* see; kmart just another place to go

swing thrugh slow so you dont miss any thing

by OnyxO September 4, 2004

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Any Faggot that has Gold camo on their weapons

'Im tired of these Gay-ks with their golden guns, they need to get the hell out of their parents basements.

by thegoatmansentme April 25, 2011

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k so

transition phrase that sounds like the spanish word for cheese, "queso" in a conversation.

Person1: K so, we good?
Person2: Yahh, i guess

Person1: Heyy wat up?
Person2: Nothin' much, k so when should i come over?

Person1: K so i'm pisseddd, my dog took a massive dump in my bed
Person2: DUDEEEE its called a door

by anonymous_cat January 3, 2010

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Tri K

Slang for Kankakee Illinois, a town selected as the worst city to live in in the United States and Canada. See Kankakee, Kankacrappy, and Kankakee Birthday.

Victor: Let's grab a burger at Micky D's in Tri K off I 57.

by Tri K Guy November 20, 2009

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colin with a k

a sweet myspace name.

Hey,have you seen Colin with a k's myspace?

by Colin09 February 29, 2008

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acid like flow spitter, korean american prodigy that's a baby lyrical monster

k-asihtic rose to tha limit, froze up tha gimmicks, my flows be infinite/ i'ma call my opponents a short race competitor czu they mostly finished/

by unknown 1ne April 29, 2006

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meghan k

dylan west is a stupid mother fucker. no one date or trust this backstabbing bastard.

dylan west the fat faggot who lives in hayppauge ... run from "this" assfuck!!!

by dylan west February 25, 2005

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