Joe Mama's Bread is defined as the bread owned by Joe Mama
Timmy ate Joe Mama's bread. That made them very sad.
A strange portmanteau of ‘Garlic Bread’ and the singer/ songwriter from the 90’s boyband Take That: Gary Barlow
Have you hear that Paddington new song? It’s written and sung by Gaz Barlic bread
A phrase used by the ToastPunk NFT community to grind, to build value and to earn crypto.
Time to sweep the floor and get that bread ser.
Non-alcoholic Beer, especially one rich in nutrient Vitamin Cheems from the yeast used to ferment it.
The shelves were full of Bread drinks but there wasn't a single bottle of hard cider.
The point of the night when you should stop eating carbs.
Brad: Hey, want anymore pizza?
Chris: Nah, it’s past my bread time.
It means to slap the bread. What? You thought it was sumth dirty? Nasty ass. Smh
Jilly: Hey, could you slap my bread?
Stoned idiot: sure dude
When a person squeezes and massages breasts in a kneading bread type of movement.
I was kneading bread so hard it was ready to bake.