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What Bo

Thing renton niggas say when they see each other in the hall

Skuba Tae: aye bo
Skuba tay: what bo

by Skuba d June 5, 2019

What the chuck!

just an auto correct for what the fuck!

what the chuck! damn this autocorrect ! i meant WTF!

by @master January 3, 2017

What Bills

A phrase best used when someone asks questions, expects explanations, or tells someone what to do (including how to act) and is not owed an answer or reaction.
“If they ain’t paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind.” -RuPaul

Person 1: You need to keep your phone on. Why did you have it off in the first place?
Person 2: WHAT BILLS?
Person 1: (Dumb founded)
Person 2: Pay a damn bill and you can tell me what to do or ask why I did something.

by Wqwheat July 29, 2019

what the blyat

What the fuck

Definition of What the blyat does not exist

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) December 29, 2020

what a twat

some dumb fuck with no common sense.

oh shit look its john, what a twat

by realsigma33 May 18, 2022

What's on the banana

When you get your friend to put on a blindfold and guess what you put on the banana with their mouth. The trick is,the banana is your cock

Gary:ok I open up and tell me what's on the banana

Linda: is it chocolate? Oh I think it's Nutella!
Gary: oh its got nuts alright

by Cocktopuss September 10, 2022

What's Hamptoning?

A spin on the term "What's Happening?" originating in the The Hamptons, hence "What's Hamptoning?"

What's Hamptoning is more than just a phrase - it's a lifestyle. What's hamptoning is what you do - it's what's happening in your life at any given time. You can be hamptoning anywhere in the world, whether you are on vacation, working, relaxing or chasing your dreams. By sharing what's hamptoning in your life, whether that be in-person or online, you are joining an inclusive community of positive people working to chase their goals and inspire one another.

Ralph: Hey Norman, what's hamptoning?
Norman: Hey Ralph, just finished up my latest oil painting. Stop by my gallery tonight to check it out.

by gold wolf July 1, 2018