Also known as The Bernard this species is short but somewhat strong. If you call a Dylan Bernard he will put you in an arm lock strangling you but if he can’t he will beat beat his you to death. It is always best to Stay away from the Dylan in its natural habitat, earth. If you engage whilst it is in its natural habitat it will slap you.
Hotest guy in school and you would fall for him in less that 3 secons he is verry cute and funny he ould do anything to make someone laugh or just smile is is werry fun and he loves hugs
Girl1 is that dylan
Girl2 yeah why
Girl1 well he made me fell awsom and he is verry funny
A two hitter quitter. A guy that might accept a MW invite after a lot of forced persuasion, play two games, and then abandon a squad of real ones. A man that will make tracks mid sentence to go watch Genshiken.
Dylan was here, but that was 2 games ago.
Yeah, Dylan is such a two hitter quitter.
Dylan is really kind, thoughtful and has a massive raging veiny personality.
he also has glasses the speccy fuck
he bangs mr.bozko on the daily with his massive veiny personality
he also likes Oscarsdog cause its pretty
hey look theres Dylan giving his dad a prostate examination
Dylan, also known as the Blood Angel God. Dylan is the type of guy who will provide care for you whenever needed. Feeling troubled? Dylans there to talk. Even if he's not aware of the situation you will still receive his best feedback and have him listen all in. Dylan can be a passionate person when it comes to hobbies. Normally, whenever he finds something, he sticks to it and never lets go. He loves to chat about his hobbies whenever he gets the chance to do so.
"The most chillest fucking guy you'll ever get to meet." - PigeonsThinkIamGod
"Dylan is a piece of gods work." - PigeonsThinkIamGod
"You're crazy, Im crazy, we're Dylanazy."
"Hey, have you heard of Dylan? I heard he sleeps a lot. One day... Im sure he'll be a superstar, Sleeping King of the Day."
"When I saw Dylan I broke my kneecaps, I couldn't believe what I had run into. He changed my life..."
Some kid who thinks they are the goat but in reality they are the equivalent to a dumpster. They tend to speak of the smoke but in reality provide none. Spends 100s of dollars on a trash game that nobody plays and also builds houses from his own bricks
My friend Dylan went 0-24 from 3 last night
hot. bug. sexy. everything you want in a man. his temper, short. his shorts, shorter. metalica yes please. semen? hes craving it. This is the man you want to be in your car to test how well the suspension works.
me: I'm really struggling to test how much semen I can take
you: sounds like you need a dylan in your life