Someone who I wouldn’t want near my kids
Bob: Who is that?
Eddy: Michael Jackson
Bob: Shit, better hide the kids
A person who is worse than a zebra; Can't figure out whether to be black or white.
A person who is born one color then decides to change their color to the opposite.
I'm not even sure why everyone liked him so much, he molested little boys and girls.
Michael Jackson can dance, and change colors like a chameleon.
Michael Jackson is a popular Celebrity, he is muslim and loves to Dance and make music, but he Died in 2010, one of his popular Songs are “Billie Jean” well i dont Know alot about him but they say He faked his death that’s not Confirmed yet so that’s it
“Michael Jackson looks like muzan from demon slayer”
“Muzan must be Michael Jackson’s other life”
One of the GOATs of music
Decided to add vanilla to his chocolate ass
His daddy whipped his nigger nose
Did I mention his affection for young boy's cocks?
That's pretty much it. Michael Jackson-A nigga who turned into a chocolate nigga. Who sung and danced really well. And liked boys.
a popular singer who died. he made smooth criminal, thriller, etc.
"hey mom lets listen to a song"
"ok, by who?"
"by Michael Jackson"