The racist word that is the white equivalent of the word: nigger.
While black people are named the n-word, white people are named the c-word.
White person: I hate you, nigger!
Black person: Oh?! You call me that?! How about I call you a cracker?!
White person: 😐
Irish (specifically Dublin) slang for a girl who is good looking
Guy 1: Bro did ye see Shauna yesterday?
Guy 2: Yeah I did she’s such a cracker.
Guy 1: I know man!
When you see a white person and you call them “cracker” because cracker is the colour of white, so is white people
1. A snack that’s thin and crunchy.
2. A term for a poor white person.
A: Want a cracker?
B: Shut Up Cracker
Cracker is a word to describe white people. Its a racial slur. Calling a white person a cracker is equal to calling a black person a nigger
Person 2 - “calm doen jamal, im only half white 🙄
your ancestors cracked the whip
"it's hot when JPEGMAFIA says cracker."
A cracker in 2019 is a person who gets drunk in parks, parking lots or other public places, and calls it a party.
Emil is such a cracker because he is drinking in a park every weekend.