A time if relaxation through the act of dancing or “boogieing” usually to songs of the sensational disco era artists such as Donna summer
It’s been a long day boys. I think it’s time for a boogie break
An expression used for meaning
I'm going to fuck that bitch off breaks
a break from any relationship,like a nap..for people to relax,and dream (maybe about others) too
i seem too hung up on you..maybe its time for a break nap
An old-style "one-lunger" power-plant dat guys love working on and fussing over, but which takes up so much of their time and energy dat dey tend to make their significant other feel ignored or left out, and thus said female main squeeze may decide to "break it off" with said motor-head, forcing him to rush back to her and "make up".
Bert Dow was not married; his sister Lela lived with him to cook and keep house. So while she may have been irritated at da noise of --- and da time dat Bert spent servicing --- da make-and-break engine on his "Tidely Idley" boat, she was probably not gonna go so far as to bail on him because of it.
Get after it drinking with the boys
Ready to break out the 2x4 tonight?
When you play war thunder and then your mom happen
My R3T20 exploded cuz of hull break cuz a Maus shot it oh wait it was your mom
When a shell hits your tank in war thunder, perfectly on a corner so that it immediatly dies due to the hull break feature.
Commonly misunderstood by DarkMistas as the "Overpressure" Mechanic, which knocks out crew due to explosive shock/pressure wave.
Mistas: Hull break is the same as Overpressure!
Everyone else: No the fuck its not.