When you fuck a girl on her period and then she sucks your dick
She got a taste of my cherry popsicle.
A period blood stain in a woman's underwear.
Man: Wanna have sex tonight?
Woman: As long as you don't mind the cherry streaks in my panties.
A bloody excrement full of firecrackers or "cherry bombs" normally from an underage female student.
Bruh, I watched this bitch on Pinterest totally queef a full size Japanese cherry blossom.
A cool ass game where cool ass people host horrifying and terrifying Danganronpa themed hosts and games to people who are nerds. The coolest nerds. The coolest Roblox Danganronpa Nerds
Person 1: Hey man have you played a Cherry Blossom High host yet?
Person 2: Not yet but I'm trying to get on it
Person 1: Well hurry the fuck up!
Fountain of Cherries is a porn movie. It makes young men perlicue while older girls watch them.
William perlicues when he watches the Fountain of Cherries.
this is where you shove a chocolate pudding cup into your partner's vagina and then eat her out. yum!
omg i just ate the best chocolate cherry pie!