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herbal depression

Deppression caused by herbal substances ( perferbably herbal tea)

This is the face of herbal depression-_-

by Herbalteadeppression December 30, 2017

Sheen's Depression

He felt like Ultra-Lord, now he's Ultra-bored.
Been feeling so damn low he might just pull the fucking cord

Carl: hey Sheen how are you today.
Sheen: I don't know I feel ultra-bored and depressed, they should name a depression about me called Sheen's Depression

by IroncladExplorer February 27, 2021

Polar depress

When you are depressed and all you feel is cold and lonely

See that kid with a ar15 in his bag over there, he is a polar depress.

by 420XxbunningsnagxX69 September 1, 2020

November Depression

the bad mood, no energy and depression you have in November.

-yo bro I feel empty since a few days. I think I have a depression.
-no bro everything is alright. its just the November Depression. Wait a few days and it goes away.

by realdeco November 25, 2019

Crippling depression

big mood.

Someone, anyone really: *pointing at me* Man, that little gremlin definitely has a case of crippling depression. I almost feel sorry for it.

by fox boi July 13, 2019

crippling depression

when you dont want to ice skate anymore because your too sad

mary ( ur preschcool frend) - HEy JOHANNA do you want to go Ice SKATING! today?

JOHANNA- no fuck off mary i have crippling depression you two faced cow headed ugly lookin annoying fuckin bastard that no one likes dont ever talk to me again you bitch, i only talk to u when we're in preschool UGH!

by mary the cow April 29, 2019

Crippling Depression

One of the most extreme forms of depression. It gives you extreme anorexia and immobilizes you so you’re stuck crying forever

Muse A: dude, remember when PETA killed that Chihuahua
Muse B: yeah, Cynthia became lethargic and got extremely crippling depression

by KURTYEEEEEE December 23, 2020