Deppression caused by herbal substances ( perferbably herbal tea)
This is the face of herbal depression-_-
He felt like Ultra-Lord, now he's Ultra-bored.
Been feeling so damn low he might just pull the fucking cord
Carl: hey Sheen how are you today.
Sheen: I don't know I feel ultra-bored and depressed, they should name a depression about me called Sheen's Depression
When you are depressed and all you feel is cold and lonely
See that kid with a ar15 in his bag over there, he is a polar depress.
the bad mood, no energy and depression you have in November.
-yo bro I feel empty since a few days. I think I have a depression.
-no bro everything is alright. its just the November Depression. Wait a few days and it goes away.
Someone, anyone really: *pointing at me* Man, that little gremlin definitely has a case of crippling depression. I almost feel sorry for it.
when you dont want to ice skate anymore because your too sad
mary ( ur preschcool frend) - HEy JOHANNA do you want to go Ice SKATING! today?
JOHANNA- no fuck off mary i have crippling depression you two faced cow headed ugly lookin annoying fuckin bastard that no one likes dont ever talk to me again you bitch, i only talk to u when we're in preschool UGH!
One of the most extreme forms of depression. It gives you extreme anorexia and immobilizes you so you’re stuck crying forever
Muse A: dude, remember when PETA killed that Chihuahua
Muse B: yeah, Cynthia became lethargic and got extremely crippling depression