From Kath and Kim.
To do or receive something that is beneficial to yourself or an object.
Oh this massage is doing my back no end of good.
Oh this rain is doing my plants no end of good.
These people are wierd, but not creepy wierd. They can make your day, or break it. All of your laughs and smiles come from these people/this person. They are full of crazy shit but are the most special to you if you think of them as a good freak.
She's a freak, a good freak! Wierd.. But I wouldn't be without her.
It's when the ratio of male to women is 1 to 2. One guy and two woman. No crossing streams.
My new girlfriend had a friend over and they gave me a good threesome.
Lesbianing act of licking fingers . Derived from KFC slogan
Yum that pussy was fingerlicking good
It hurts and feels good at the same time.
My boyfriend gave me hurtful goodness while he was hitting it from the back.
These do not exist sadly,making tiktok the worst thing ever
1:have you seen a good tiktok,2?
2:no,nobody has,1.
3:wHaT dO yoU mEaN dAnCeS aRe goOd!
1 and 2:why the fuck do you exist,3.
If good tiktoks were a thing,then nobody would have a problem with anything
It's when you drink the perfect amount of alcohol that makes you feel just the right kind of buzz. the best and only buzz. before you vomit
Will: "Want another shot, man?"
Min: "Nah, man. I'm good buzzing."
Will: "Dude, that's the best kind."
Min: "Yah, bro. I'm lovin' it"