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beta mama


Defenition: 1. That girl who gave you your Beta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish)
2. chick friend who takes your left overs, if you are her girl friend, shes that one who still hangs out with disrespectful trash that you told her SPECIFICALLY where gonna do her wrong, then cries to you about it

"Thanks for the beta, grandma! Yr my beta mama now! Lol!"

"Yeah, *generic female name*, i know all about how *generic male name* stole from you, dismantled your microwave, and is sleeping with your sister. CHICA YOU SUCH A BETA MAMA!

stop yr phukn crying! Get it together!"

by RazlDazlBeBopMan April 12, 2021


A young boy either in trouble or needing his mom to see something or tuck him in his bed

"HURRY MAMA!" the little boy said as he was ecstatic for his mom to see his volcano erupt.

by sanufo March 23, 2021

mama van nostrand

An elegant lady that loves the Quam. Always looking hottt and ready for the night ahead.

I don't like that corset on you mama van nostrand

by Moneysota Baller January 22, 2008

Gently used baby mama

A woman who’s never been married and only has one kid

I’m looking for a gently used baby mama

by Factsislandboy September 19, 2022

Mama bicho

The art of eating pussy. However, it can also be used as an insult in certain parts of Latin America

Claudia, my man is a total “mama bicho” and I love it!

Ricky, mama bicho! Get the fuck out of Puerto Rico!

by Seamoure Buts July 26, 2019

mama smoke

colin and nathan are pretty incredible but i think we can all agree that mama smoke is the coolest :)

mama smoke is incredible

by axel_lexa October 21, 2020

Mama logan

Christmas and joy's discord server Mama logan! (Mother of the user Christmas Festive Logan). She is pretty hawt.

Mama logan throwing it back on sim

by mamalogan2 November 21, 2024