A slur towards people of the aromantic romantic orientation.
Used to insult or dismiss an aromantic person as a or wanting to be an aromatic benzene ring.
"Well, i'm aromantic so i don't feel any romantic love towards anyone."
"Whatever you say, benzene ring."
"If you wanna be a benzene ring then go ahead."
The soft fleshy ring of your remaining foreskin.
My girlfriend enjoys playing with my bologna ring before placing my cock in her mouth!!!!
a word refering to whatever someone thinks its refering to
an onomatopiea that sounds like a really weird bell
guy 1: do you like ring bing dingaling
guy 2: yes
guy 3: ring bing dingaling you got the answer correct guy 4
guy 4: the fuck is that even supposed to sound like
1👍 1👎
A deformed donut in the shape of an onion ring
I can’t believe these people sold me a donion ring
An engaged girl showing ring finger instead of middle to jealous girls
Laura- ew your ring is so ugly
Hazel- ring you
When a woman wears a left thumb ring it signifies she's a Lesbian, on the other hand, If a man wears a left thumb ring, it signifies he's gay.
Wow, she's wearing a Left Thumb Ring, no wonder all the gay girls are going for her.
Wow, he's wearing a Left Thumb Ring, no wonder all the gay guys are going for him.
Not wearing underwear to allow balls to ring (Applicable to males only)
Charle's does Freedom Rings? (YES)