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Show On!

Show On is a cheering expresion you say to someone. The term was created by royo in his second studio album called Show On, Seamus.

show on! mother, everything will be alrigh
show on! friend, the sun will shine on us again
show on! do your best!

by handledeeznuts333 February 20, 2023

Show On!

Show on is a phrasal verb that would mean "carry on!", "the show must go on!", "you can do it!", "everything is going to be how it's supposed to be".
It's a cheering message that you can send or say to anybody! It's a lifestyle also, look at yourself in the mirror and point at you, SHOW ON!
This is a bad world but we can do it better.

-Oh my grandfather passed yesterday....
-Show on friend

-I'm nervous, I can't do the show!

by handledeeznuts333 February 16, 2023

small town smoke show

Daisy duke

The prettiest girl in a small town gets special treatment

gets away will anything, and is addicted to the attention. Not willing to change for anyone

Small town smoke show- Zack Bryan

“I purposed! but she a small town smoke show.”

“We been on 3 dates but she’s a small town smoke show.”

by Snowrepper❄️ December 16, 2023

The Les show

A Short amateur TV show created by 4 high school kids in their spare time. The show was a series of short 15 minute episodes made up of short skits


"Its the Les Show!"
"No man can consume that much pasta alown"
"Im shootn' a rino"

by Matthias_quickblade May 16, 2006

show cougar

Much better than your standard cougar. A show cougar is one that must always be kept on a leash when in a public setting. Not only does it prevent the cougar from escaping, it allows you to gently tug the chain and whisper "easy there show cougar" whenever she is getting a bit too frisky.

Bro that Josie chick is a total show cougar. You better get the leashes on her before somebody else does.

by Foodst4mp April 12, 2023

josh showe

josh showe is the most caring, kind, sweet, amazing, funny, human being created. god did soooo good with creating this one and his parents did amazing raising him. everyone says nobody perfect, but when it comes to josh showe, i would have to disagree. he makes you laugh no matter what mood you’re in. he’s the reason that you wake up and go to sleep smiling each night and morning. he’s the reason that you go to school when you really don’t want to. if you’re with josh showe, you should feel lucky and privileged. he’s one of those boys that is always on your mind, and you can’t get over. his smile is enough to make your whole day and light up the entire room. his light brown hair and green eyes hook you instantly. you get jealous when you see josh showe with other girls, and sad when he dates/likes a girl that’s not you. but you also have so many feelings for josh showe, you think about them all the time.. 24/7 but can never put them into words. and you can never tell him how you feel.. i really love you josh showe :) 💙 (oh how i wish i could say that in person)

me: yah i really like josh showe.. he’s a real cutie
friend: yeah he makes me laugh all the time.

me: that’s my man.

by someone who really likes josh March 24, 2019

Post-show grievance

A feeling of emptiness or void after watching a show or movie that would have typically occupied your time and knowing that it ended and knowing all the characters will never be seen again.

Man im going through Post-show grievance after I finished watching The Office

by pplayersrock November 27, 2020