Source Code

ab ripper x

an insane total ab ripper workout lead by a 60 year old man in a tight blue jumpsuit. he claims to gain you the best abs you will ever have in your life, but its all just bs. do the exercise but he might just want you to do a little more!

Yo dude, how do you have such sick abs?
I did my ab ripper x!

by murm201 June 16, 2011

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Rush Xโ„ข

Rush Xโ„ข is a character made by caitsithfortune of the MMSB. He made the character as a joke, and it got so popular that it is now an important part of the MMSB culture.

The story behind Rush Xโ„ข is a complicated, sad, and heartfelt one. Dr. Light decided to make X, his newest AI robot to act as a partner for Mega Man. As a suport unit for X, he built Rush Xโ„ข.

Things were going fine, until one day, Zero came and killed Mega Man and Rush. Dr. Light came back from shopping, and noticed all his robots laying dead on the floor. He asked X who did it, and he framed Rush Xโ„ข for it. Dr Light didn't believe this though, and stuck X in a capsule for 30 years.

Rush Xโ„ข was mad that X tried to frame him, and turned the capsule up for even more years. Rush Xโ„ข then ran away, into hiding.

Years later, word that X was found came out, and Rush Xโ„ข decided to get his revenge on him by working with Sigma. He took on the name Velgauder, and failed at beating X. He went into hiding again until the MMZ series. He now hides in the shadows, waiting to ambush Zero, to take him to X.

"There is no way to exist a Rush X"
"Rush Xโ„ข is a dog"

by Cait Sith Fortune April 3, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

x-tina kim

slave driving, mistress
cold hard bitch

yes mistress....here mistress

by haha July 25, 2004

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5 x 5

If you are "all square" with someone (as opposed to being just a square), or you are cool with that person, then you are 5 x 5.

We talked through our differences, so now we are 5 x 5.

by socrates+ January 28, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vongola X Decimo

A League of Legends player who always play Mordekaiser and solo farm a lane until level 10-11. He pushes like crazy and get ganked by the jungler most of the time. If he dies in his lane more than twice, he will feed for the rest of the game. His runes consist of Mpen, Health/level, health quint, and MR.

Oh man it's Vongola X Decimo, the purple siege minion player, someone queue dodge.

by turtleiion March 23, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

x-box 360

Microsofts next gen system, that will be nothing compared to PS3 and the rev or wii...

in other words, a way for microsoft to sell Halo 3 for $400.

Joe: im gonna get halo 3, its a great game and only 50 dollars....
Fred: but u have to get a x-box 360 first...
Joe: oh yea, that means i have to spend $400...

by pachu June 5, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

American history x

The movie with derek played by that guy from fight club Edward Norton^-^
Loved for the curb stomp. Its a pretty fucking ownage movie.

while playing gears of war "I just curb stomped that bitch in the face"
"Lol like the black bitch in American history x .OWNED"

"Your are a racist"
"Nah, im just copying Derek"

by [Cyber Pirate] February 7, 2007

179๐Ÿ‘ 551๐Ÿ‘Ž