Source Code

get all chinese on it

1) When eating any meat product that has bones in it, proceed to clean off all remaining meat until the bone shines like a brand new quarter.

A)Hey... are you going to finish those chicken wings?
B) What do you mean? There's nothing left on it.
A) Hold up, I'm gonna get all Chinese on it.
(proceeds to suck off any cartilage and marrow until only the bone remains )

by Hao Long April 24, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

All tatted up

adj To be covered in tattos, usually applied to young people, especially young mothers who are covered nearly head to toe in ink.

It's not uncommon to see hordes of unnatractive people at Six Flags who are all tatted up.

Joe: Dude, check out that chick over there!
Bob: What, the one that's all tatted up?

by A.T.M January 13, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

All Purpose Gurilla

A real man. A crew chief. A dude that gets shit done, fixes jets, drinks more beer than you, cusses, spits everywhere. A dude not scarred of work and 12+ hours in any weather although scheduled for a 8 hour shift. One of the dirtiest mother fuckers you've ever met. Smells of JP8/OIL/HYD FLUID, yet still pulls pussy. Dirty minded and can beat the shit out of any pilot or Jackass Pro Super. The person called upon to "UNFUCK" a jet. The only aircraft maintainer that matters. Leader of the flight line and Air Force. Someone who everybody else works for. The Boss.

We can't fix this jet, better call out an All Purpose Gurilla a.k.a. Crew Chief, a.k.a. the only person that can unfuck this jet

by mattm0627 December 3, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

All over the world

The art of spreading your semen on multiple women from different cultures

I went all over the world last night

by The Manx September 30, 2019

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

seven for all mankind

Jeans that are made with 2% Elastane (Spandex), with the other 90% being cotton. Yes, it is as comfortable as it sounds.

My Seven for all Mankind jeans contour to my body without being too tense, because of the spandex factor!

by Nnnick August 26, 2006

53๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

With All My Heart

a 5-piece band full of wannabes from Delaware, Ohio who try to get people to mosh at shows but their music is so bad that the people that are there cant wait for them to get off the stage.

Connor Killinger - AKA Con Con or, for some fucked up reason, ConnOr. The (terrible) vocalist who screams like a druggie, sings like a deaf cat, and raps like drunk.
Justin Kerby - The guitarist with the hair of a porcipine
Knox Fields - The loveable fat guy. only likeable person in the band.
Gage Sulser - The other guitarist who's cute on the eyes...ladies....
Mike White - The drummer who looks like Harry Potter and cusses like a German Sailor.

Guy 1: "i love black chodes"
Guy 2: "dude i love With All My Heart too!"

Guy 2: No that's Just With All My Heart's lead vocalist jumping off the stage again

by Steve Wonderwoman Stevenson December 11, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

All Webbed Up

Every aspect of your life is associated with the internet (ie. talking to friends via the internet, messenger, my space, personals) Also can be used to describe a person addicted to the internet

Amy would die without the internet, she is all webbed up!

by Emily June 15, 2006

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