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To speak to an individual in a threatening manner..

To step to someone with a loud voice indicating possible confrontation.

"hey nigga who you think you basing at like that? I will knock yo ass out.."

"I can tell by the base in yo voice"

by Finesse March 28, 2005


Base or Bace. In between an ace and a bust down

Yo, lemmie get that base son!

by Anonymous November 5, 2003


As in baseline. When someone does the bare minimum (especially when they think they’ve done well doing so little).

John: “Hey I finally handed in the assignment due for later today. We should go out to celebrate.”
Jane: “Come on, that’s so base.”


Lucy: “I’ve handed in the reports. I’ve done base but hey at least they’re done now.”
Emily: “Hey done is done, who cares if they’re base if it means you don’t need to worry about them anymore.”

by Berrybop May 5, 2024


The main domain where all the homies hang out. Home base.

A: "This shit's lame, let's get out of here."
B: "Tryna go back to base and blow down?"

by FiveHT April 2, 2020


Slang term for your current place of residence.

"Can you stay out?"
"Nah man, my mum wants me back at base soon"

by Scott_e January 24, 2023


Pronounciation: Bay-See

It is an abbreviation for baseball bat, often used by rappers.

Abbreviation origin: German language

pulled out my base and Willie Mays'd his head

by SickthatDuck June 1, 2018


friend camarada dude bro

wutt up base?
that beezie is fuckin fine base!

by mark "This guy" rios March 17, 2008