The one person you don't want to meet.
James: who is that person screaming in the coffee shop?
Lili: it's a Karen, obviously...
She is an entitled woman who cares about nothing but herself and wants her life to be as perfect as possible. If you tell her, "Ma'am you can't take that kfc bucket home without paying", she will call the manager only to find herself throwing a hissy fit and raging at the poor manager who just wants her to get the hell out. She will also fall to the ground if you are 1 foot close and block your car in many cases. Overall, a karen is an entertainment figure for the people around watching a young person being yelled at for no reason, unless you're the one being yelled at. Then its no fun.
Dude that lady is about to Karen at me!
A middle aged white mom with a son named hunter usually a blonde with a bob cut and harasses store workers and complains to the manager.
Karen is sueing the manager again.
Why is Karen yelling at me.
A Karen is a designation given to a racist white woman who uses her privilege to hinder, oppress, or inconvenience a black individual. They have a sense of entitlement and a superiority complex that they conjure to place black people in dangerous situations often by the use of lying, police, lying to the police etc. This being said, when you constantly label people as Karens without it dealing with their racist actions to leverage themselves against black people, you dilute and take away the focus from the very real issues that black people face in day to day situations. This is sad because this same appropriation of the term and diverting the true meaning of the term seems exactly like something that a Karen would do!
Black man: A Karen almost got me locked up today.
Friend: That's terrible! What happened?
Black man: While I was moving into my nice new house earlier today she called the police on me and lied to them. She took it upon herself to inform them that a black man was robbing the place. She must not have wanted me as a neighbor or she may have been in disbelief that a black person could afford a house that was bigger than hers.
Friend: Wow that's crazy.
Black man: Yeah. The police arrived in 2 minutes flat!
A karen is a blonde,middle aged,annoying,bad mother,and a bitch.
She is one of the facebook mom's and a woman who reports EVERYTHING
Here is types of that we have:
Racist karen's
Homophobic karen's
Christian karen's
And snitch karen's
Here is also what a karen may look like
Short hair
Mom clothes
And they usually say "CaN i SpEaK tO ThE MaNaGEr?.
For Example
A worker tell her/him/they that they the store will close
Karen:*Has a fit*
Karen:I want to speak to your manager
Now the worker knows she is a karen
I totally disagree with the Karen’s generalisation. The Karen i know is the most honest person i know , impulsive , saucy in a good way , no filters , secretive but with the biggest gold heart in the world , even when she have nothing she will give you everything. She’s not a bad person , she’s just picky , she choose who she wants in her life cause she prefer true relations than fake persons. She’s hilarious when you get to know her , sarcastic , and very smart. Pretty woman , with black-hair , tan skin , and black eyes , a real Latina ! I wish her to be happy in her life and to be with someone who will value her and put her in a pedestal cause she deserve this ! I want her to trust herself…
Me annoying her : « Karen do you love me ? »
Karen sarcastic joke : « no i hate you »