The best teacher ever. Endlessly patient and truly cares about his students well being. If he was a song it would be Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley, if you need a good roast go to Mr. Lowe, he's playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers, he's tougher than a two dollar steak, and his hair is always on fleak (even when it isn't). He loves science and business, but be careful cause his passion might just sweep you up and make you a believer. Kindest man you'll ever meet. If you ever get the privilege of meeting him, kidnap him and never let him go. He is leaving our school this year so if you find yourself with a blonde/redhead vice principle at your school, get to know him. You won't regret it.
- Senior chem students 2022
Holly: Thomas Lowe is the best teacher ever!
Haille: I know!!! I'm going to miss him so much!
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The feeling of extreme hunger after you have eaten massive amounts of food.
Bae I'm I got dat low high T.......oooof
It's exactly what it sounds like
Low Income White Girl Eyes is defined as...
A white girl with low-income eyes will stare at you with dull, vacant, soulless eyes and expect you to know that they like you. Oh, and they're kinda crazy. That's an understatement btw.
Why did the white girl with low-income eyes stare at the menu for 10 minutes?
Because she was mentally adding up her total with tax before committing to the side of fries.
Why does the white girl with low-income eyes love thrift stores?
Because it's the only place where she can buy "vintage" and "necessary" at the same time!
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An unnecessary and undeserved insult or opinion. Said out of jealousy with the intent to throw a blow at a person’s ego.
Low take, that dress she’s wearing looks like she stole it from Queen Elizabeth’s closet.
describe as a very small penis
look at his low lee its so small
A simplification of the phrase, Allow it.
Both phrases have their separate meanings.
,Allow it, - let something slide/relieve me of a task
Lowe it- calm down/Relax
Some take the term “Lowe it” and use it to imply both word meanings. Lowe in this context is most common with the youth in London.
Boy (boots ball over the cage )
Friend (,on your bike mate,)
Boy (Nah man ,Lowe it, your closer)