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purple hat hacker

Purple hat hackers are professionals at hacking and like to test how good they are at hacking by hacking older computer they own

A purple hat hacker was testing his hacking skills by hacking his old computer

by Craden February 2, 2016

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Ass Hat

Roomates that named Jeff Hall. Ussually found in Gunnison

"That ass hat keeps drwaring horses

by jefcar March 15, 2005

1πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

mexican hat dance

When you take a mexican hat and fill it with super spicy salsa and then shove it up the unsuspecting nerd's ass. Then you may do a little dance.

I gave a mexican hat dance to that nerd alex manouk. he didn't even see it coming.

by trini man June 9, 2007

8πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Millions Wear The Hats

A Neo-Nazi dog whistle used to refer to Jews, usually also saying β€œwe need to hunt them” aka we need to hunt/kill the Jews

Usually used in a deceitfully innocent way.

Person 1: I wonder if gnomes are real

Nazi: Millions Wear The Hats

Person 1: They sure do, wonder why?

Person 2: It’s a Nazi dog whistle

Person 1: Oh

by ShortBlackMan April 25, 2023

58πŸ‘ 306πŸ‘Ž

Nepalese Hat Dance

The act of bludgeoning a woman, moments after she has given birth, with the newborn fetus by grasping the umbilical cord and slamming her repeatedly in the head.

I didn't care if she was pregnant with my child, that bitch was going to get a Nepalese Hat Dance as soon as the runt came out.

by Durty Sanchez August 16, 2003

16πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

go shit in your hat

An acceptable way to tell someone to F--k off or go to hell!

Go shit in your hat, you have no idea what your talking about.

by MisfitBandit72 June 5, 2016

Gary Bettman Hat Trick

The inglorious feat of having three lockouts occur during your tenure as NHL Commissioner.

With the lockout becoming official on September 15, 2012, Gary Bettman would oversee the third lockout since he became commissioner in 1993.

Like a hockey player scoring three goals in one game, this accomplishment would be named after him: the Gary Bettman Hat Trick.

by gokingsgo January 14, 2013