Super sexy girl, typically has a super sexy boyfriend
“Woah!!!!!!!! That guy totally has a blue piece of aluminum foil for a girlfriend!”
Shooting someone in the head with a firearm in a manner that results in brain matter splattering everywhere
I'm about to give that mother fucker a bubble to the dome piece.
Person A: Hey, I think that guy is talking about your mom
Person B: *shoots mom talking son of a bitch in the head, effectively ending his life*
Genitals from either gender, man or woman.
For example, two men are conversating; "Dude, she definitely wants my live piece!" "No way bro, the other week she let me have her live piece, it wasn't the best though..."
Tommy: Hey, I fucked your sister yesterday, it was a piece of cake.
Rosemberg: You're funny Tommy.
when you try to insult someone but you dont want your parents to kill you so you censored the cuss
oh you piece of REDACTED i’ll REDACTED you
pet: wow botia is generally a piece of shit
everyone except omgguy: i agree brether
Someone who is always getting involved in another’s relationship and trying to report their misconduct
Stop acting like the side piece police their relationship is none of your business