a stupid-ass nigga who simps for online children and has a SMALL pp
bruh don't be a thomas, if you are a thomas then gay and mini pp.
Thomas, the guy who sucks Aisha off every day during snack and lunch. He is a pro blower and blows during his free time. He also blows Jinhee Lee and he loves it when he gets her fat in him.
Wow that pornstar is a Thomas!!
Always ends up gay, has a thing for guys with glasses, for example, a person named Simon would probably be his type, yea it makes sense.
“Did you see Thomas? He was all over Simon G.”
As in the tank engine? The toad? The boy next door? No. Thomas is a kind and gentle man who will care about a select few people. He is a walking meme but he embraces that fullheartedly. This man is chill with a lot of things, Lost your phone? Here have mine. Can't sing? Let's kareoke together. You think you can't dance? Here watch me! Thomas has a solution to every problem. He has an unbreakable love of fortnite and default dances in every known location. Thomases are dorks and high-key slackers. He is unhealthy addicted to dad jokes, puns, and horoscope.
"Yo Thomas I am hungry."
"Hi hungry I am Thomas."
A kid with an oval like head. He has depression and wants to kill himself. Thomas. He trys his best but no one wants to be with him. He will necer get any ass. Also he most likely will be a 40 year old virgin. And Thomas has a millimeter peter. Also a potential school shooter
You see Thomas over there?
That guys never getting any ass
Thomas a boy who everyone likes. He nice, funny, dramatic but in a good way. He tries to make people happy and smile. He really does love being polite to people and he loves people thanking him for his kindness in return. But, Thomas has some of his own issues. He isn't the person most people see him as. He has a lot going through his head. He has feelings for people and he bounces back from person to person. But there is one person he can't ever get off his mind. That's because that person is the best person that came into his life. He plans to escape the friendzone but is trapped. He may never get out. Maybe he is better of as friends with this person. Perhaps best friends. Whatever the relationship is with this person is fine for him, as long as he doesn't lose this person, again.
"I wish there were more Thomas's in the world." -Teagan from Ohio