When a player scores so highly in your fantasy league that you and two mates decide to reward him with a three-on-one show of sexual gratitute
Guy A - I'm so pleased I kept John Stones in my Fantasy League Team - he scored a brace AND kept a clean sheet!
Guy B - That man deserves to be triple-captained!!!
As a noun, this phrase is a positive way to identify a pothead.
As a verb, it means to spend a long amount of time to smoke as much weed as you want/have. This is a good way to chill and find yourself again.
History: This phrase is based off a radio host who is AKAed as Captain Robby. His actual identity is unknown, but it is known that he enjoys fun times and PB&J sandwiches during said times o' fun.
Noun: "Dude, you're such a Captain Robby, I love it. Got any extra pot on you?"
Verb: "Hey, man, I'm thinking about 'captain robby'ing it tomorrow. I just need to relax, I'm too stressed, I need just one day where I can smoke as much weed as I want."
Other: "Make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and bring it down to the station and win our grand prize!"
A name given to someone who wears BDU bottoms, or camopants.
Heya Captain CamoPants, I can't see you!
Captain's Wafers is an American brand of crackers that is made by Lance Inc. They are light buttery crackers typically served with soups and salads. They are mentioned specifically in the song "Camel Walk" by Southern Culture on the Skids. Its' most notable claim to fame is winning the North Dakota "Best Cracker in Show" contest for 14 consecutive years
Captain's Wafers' most notable claim to fame is winning the North Dakota "Best Cracker in Show" contest for 14 consecutive years
An American brand of crackers that is made by Lance Inc. They are light buttery crackers typically served with soups and salads. They are mentioned specifically in the song "Camel Walk" by Southern Culture on the Skids. Captain's Wafers' most notable claim to fame is winning the North Dakota "Best Cracker in Show" contest for 14 consecutive years
Captain's Wafers are the best cracker brand.
an American brand of crackers that is made by Lance Inc.
According to David Beard, the director of training at Lance, Inc., the name of the Captain's Wafers came from the idea that "on a ship, the captains always had the best of everything when it came to meals.
A YouTuber who does his best to make content and makes videos that a decently entertaining. I recommend go subscribing
I just watched Captain cleave on youtube and regret it jk lol go sub