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Ye Ole Pasta Twat

A chinese, irish, italian whiskey...made from femented noodles and gorllia piss. An alcohol content greater than 100 percent pure.

In most cultures.. Ye Ole Pasta Twat is a new years eve celebratory beverage that will rip yo goddammed head off. Enjoy..you fuckers !!

by Bel Aire Beeryan April 9, 2010

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three-legged TWAT SICKLE

A neighbor representing two inches of tiny tantrum. The most he will ever use his third leg is jacking off to a pack mule eating oats. Also can be defined as one who symbolizes a true pussy.

Kyle crane stop being a three-legged twat sickle, and stop picking up BOFUBs. Quit getting sodomized by the imbred mule that lives in your basement. Talk to a decent looking girl you three-legged twat sickle.

by garatee baby April 12, 2011

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A twat waffle that has become radio active. A friend once called me this as a joke, and i LOLd.

You are such a fucking radio-active-twat-waffle!

by KariJo January 22, 2007

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twat waffle

noun- a person who performs oral sex on their partner and expects nothing in return.

Boomer: "I ate maggie out last night" Chris: "Did she suck your dick?" Boomer: "Nope" Chris: "Fucking twat waffle"

by Regnarg Sirch May 11, 2009

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cum guzzling twat loaf


I can't believe I dated that cum guzzling twat loaf.

by Shane.Hater.4life July 9, 2011

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twat waffling whore bag

1) a whore whose vag has that blue waffle thingy going on
2) a lesbian whore, because they waffle with twats, a lot

"Omg! You twat waffling whore bag!! Keep away from my boyfriend!"

by girlyguardgirl May 4, 2011

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national twat wop day

April 13th is National twat wop day. Girls get ready to get your twat or vagina slapped.

β€œHide yo twat they comin’ . Didn’t you forget? It’s national twat wop day!”

by Kathy suire April 12, 2018