Giggle-spit means when you laugh so hard you spit out your drink or saliva
Gill told me the funniest story and made me giggle-spit my drink all over my dashboard!
Something funny, such as a lolsy picture, a hysterical movie, or a gif of a llama nomming endlessly, that takes up a lot of your time as you laugh at it. It literally drains your giggles. It is Similar to how "Giga drain" from pokemon drains your giga.
Christian: Holy crap, why aren't you ready?
Danny: Sorry, I've been stuck on meatspin all day, its so funny.
Christian: Yeah... it's a real giggle drain.
A gamer of poor quality, a person with such a low IQ you would have to dig for it. A person you would avoid at all costs
Alright Dave you online later
Na mate logged on and a Darth GIGGLES was online
Had to smash my PC to bits to avoid contact
Jeez Dave sure you shouldn't burn your house down to make sure?
Yeah I'll get a match
yo, britts laughing her ass off, got some of that giggle twig
Something you have when you laugh so hard that shit flies out your asshole.
"Man, that movie was so funny I had a giggle rocket."
"When the special man fell over my giggle rocket splattered on the wall."
Referring to the areas of your body that make you giggle when rubbed up against someone else’s zones, in brief it’s your privates, your junk, your saucy bits
Some nudist: I have vowed to never constrain my giggle zones with earthy fabrics
Rob: ma’am this is a Walmart please put on some clothes I don’t care that you’ve decide to reveal your giggle zones to the world
A device used to shoot nitrous oxide up one’s anus while that individual self pleasures
Billy cannot archive climax anymore without a prostitute using the giggle pistol on him