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Pee Pickle

A Penis

His pants fell down and everyone saw his Pee Pickle

by Satoshi Sean August 4, 2020

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Pickle Storked

The feeling of being uncontrollably high. Everything around you is majestic and you're too happy to function. The feeling can only be achieved through massive intake of marijuana smoke. Not to be confused with "rackle knocked", pickle storked is a feeling of pure stonedom; It is not achievable when cross-faded.

Man, that was a massive blunt. I am pickle storked.

by stonedasagoat June 13, 2011

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Pickled Richard

When you leave your peepee in her special place until it goes wrinkly and weird

Friend 1: Ayo how was ur night with stacey
Friend 2: it was alright, ended up getting a pickled richard tho

by muriaditatus October 5, 2021


A very offensive insult. You should be ashamed if someone calls you a pickle.

you're such a pickle!

by pickola January 20, 2011

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Pickled ass

So as any of you who read this know im an ER doctor. And I've seen some shit but this takes the cake.
One night I'm in the ER and a woman comes in saying her butt hurts.
I say okay let me check you over.
I take her to a room and begin to look at her butt and at this point I could smell it.
It was a putrid smell of something pickled, rotting, or dead.
So I ask her has she eaten anything.
She says no.
I ask did you put something in your butt recently?
She says yes reluctantly.
Come to find out she had had fun with a pickle and never pulled it out. Instead it went further up her butt and was rotting.
After an hour and a very large bottle of magnesium citrate the rotted pickled probe came out.
After she left my nurse said it smelled like pickled ass. She had no clue how close she was.

Dear god Francis it smells like pickled ass in here!!!

by Dr. Francisco baker March 11, 2018

pickle hunting

When you’re in need of dick but can’t say it out loud because of the people around you.

Ugh, I wish we could go pickle hunting!

by dicklover2005 April 13, 2020

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Pickle eye

A narrow eyed stare generally towards someone who has done something wrong.

Aunt Jane gave Uncle Charlie the pickle eye when he came home drunk again.

by Dr Piggapuss February 25, 2021

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