Source Code

Dirty Addy

When two guys eat one girls butthole and she queefs onto their mouths and they simultaneously nut so hard that they see rainbows.

Me and my bro just experienced a dirty Addy and that shit was wild dawg

by Chickenlickerdaddy April 17, 2020

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Addy Daddy

A very sexy and good looking hunk, that won’t buy next gen 2k21 even after you’ve asked nicely.

Person 1 - Look at that hot guy!!

Person 2 - Oh I know that guy he’s so hot but he’s an Addy Daddy :(
Person 1 - how embarrassing :(

by Zack N119 December 28, 2021

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fat addie

A person who is grossly overweight but doesn't know it. Fat Addie's also think that they're better than most people giving them an obnoxious quality.

"Man, is that a chick?"
"No dude thats a Fat Addie"
"Oh. Thanks for the heads up."

by Sasas46 September 29, 2006

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email addy

Addy is short for Address.

Give me your email addy so we can hook up.

by MonkeyMarcel September 17, 2013

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Dirty Addie

When you have sex with a smoking hot girl and right before you finish you spit in her mouth. then you rub a dead fish on you for good luck

Me and Melissa just did a dirty Addie

by Russian flashlight August 26, 2020

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Parker Addis

Someone who runs around a room full of guys naked

Hey you guys this guy went Parker Addis on us last night

by Overlord Wes November 19, 2014

Addie Delwiche

A big chungo who likes cheese. She loves food. When she burps is an earthquake so take cover!!!

Person1: Hey Addie want some food?
Addie Delwiche : Runs faster than she does in gym class to the kitchen
If you wanna fight her CATCH HER IN THE KITCHEN!

by BethanyDaPlantt September 6, 2019