A person who travels to a different floor or department in an office environment to perform bodily functions that would be deemed inappropriate to their known work associates
I will be back. I need to go Bathroom Creep on the 4th floor.
The delicate and intricate art of folding toilet paper over and over to maximise usage in order to avoid getting shit on your fingers. Practiced especially when there is a dearth of suitable bathroom tissue.
I nearly ran out of bog paper! Lucky I know some bathroom origami.
The quality, result, experience, or resolution to a "trip" to the bathroom. Pertaining to the excursion to the location, experience while doing ones business, and exiting the bathroom facilities.
Close friend: How was your bathroom trip? You: Awesome man, I feel so much better now.
When one had to defecate and the after effects smell as tho one had an animal crawl up there ass and die. Generally it smells like a rotting carcass.
Another name for blew up the bathroom.
Jon: "Holy mother of god, Don! Did a skunk crawl up your ass and die?"
Don: "Naw, Jon, i just nuked the bathroom."
Jon:"Dude, go light a match or use some air freshener or somthing. The smell damn near killed me!"
The ever-burning pit of disease inside of the already hellish dimension of "school".
"Never, ever go to the School Bathrooms, unless you want cholera!" said a wise person.
A Bathroom Bagel is when one poops in a circle then waits for it to harden (or put it in the freezer for 15 minutes). At this point you are ready to serve your delicious Bathroom Bagel. The Bathroom Bagel can also be worn as a Yamika in the Jewish faith. The Bathroom Bagel can also be used as a frisbee. The Bathroom Bagel is a well rounded great gift and good for the kids.
My Mexican friend made me a batch of Bathroom Bagels for my party and they where a huge hit.
A place people go when they want to roll around on the floor and think about their life after they do something really stupid and/or are a public disgrace to society
Honestly man, go to the dummy bathroom. Your just a dumbass.