The new name you called fellow brothers, friends, and home boys.
Mark: “What’s good Beezy?”
Samuel: “Nothing much, just checking out the new movie!”
Bart: “Shit, is that Beezy playing tonight?”
A playful, negative term used towards sly individuals whom you are close with. This term is particularly effective if the individual recently tricked or outsmarted you.
Damn, Jamie- I thought you were trying to help, but you just being a Beezy!
a person who is extremely jealous of another person's work or belongings
that dude is being so beezy cause his plants look so sad compared to everyone else
clean version for the phrase later bitches
"I gotta go home! Later beezys!!"
Beezy is a twink enjoyer. He looks like Leon S Kennedy from RE irl.
He is a bottom like the rest of all twinks, but he's tall af (6'8)
He legit is missing all 5 senses
Me: I like twinks who are tall!
Friend: Damn, that's physically impossible except for Beezy VTuber!
Me: Damn, he's still a bottom tho!
National Beezy Day is the most important holiday because this is when the industry of music began, on August 30. This must be celebrated by music, and smoking pot.
Holy shit, it's National Beezy Day, let's smoke!