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Bill Cipher

King of all Doritos! He Ajay wants to rule the universe, big whoop.

Bill: The name's Bill Cipher, but you can call me your new Lord and Master for all eternity!

by Bomberman1218 June 27, 2016

81๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bill Fountain

A hero. A legend. A Prodigy. The most interesting man in the world.

All hail and respect our leader, Bill Fountain.

by KYKY March 1, 2013

31๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bill Laimbeer

The badest of the bad boys. The man who reps Detroit to the fullest. Takes his "bad boy" attitude and instills it into the WNBA team he coaches the Detroit Shock. They are now known as the "bad girls" because of their agressive nature.

The best WNBA coach,Bill Laimbeer, should have thrown a punch against Mike Thibult.

by Detroit-gonna-win July 29, 2007

Bill Cosby

v: To slip a roofie into someone's Jell-O pudding and then proceed to rape them once they become unconscious.

Danny pulled a Bill Cosby on Evelyn, he should go to jail for what he did!

by Hamzawesome1 January 11, 2015

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Bill Harwell

(n) 1. A condescending know it all with a Napoleon complex. 2. A person who does not fully listen, but replies with snide comments. 3. A bitter person that tries to make others hate life as well.

I tried getting out of my speeding ticket, but the judge was such a Bill Harwell.
Man your mom is a Bill Harwell.
I hope my teacher this year isn't a Bill Harwell

by OSPE June 1, 2017

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Bill Cosby

A cocktail made so strong that it could lead to future rape allegations against the server. The original drink can be made from any base ingredient such as coffee or juice but will usually be laced with barbiturates, Quaaludes or other knock-out tonics from back in the day. Also see Mickey, rohypnol and Date Rape.

Person 1 (sipping cocktail) "Dude, I asked for a simple Gin and Tonic, not a Bill Cosby!"

by Funny Man Andy December 12, 2014

227๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bill deBlasio

when you troll the assisted livings and nursing home personnel by shipping their patients back to an assisted living or nursing home while infected with an infectious disease

Jack: hey bro did you hear washingtons mayor pulled a Bill deBlasio by shipping those infected elderly patients back into the nursing homes?
John: yeah man my grandma was in one of the hit nursing homes

by Darth N1h1lus July 12, 2020