People that are bitches that think there cool and are red head
Hey bitch boy stop sucking him ofc
Bitch boy is a term for a red head that has crutches.
For example Bitch boy fell down the stairs and his head hit the grown and made a mark of red
a bitch boy is a gay submissive male usually named evandra.
evandra: I love being a good little bitch boy for you ethan
A bitch boy is somebody who likes to be "fucked" or "dominated"
Having a distaste for uncomfortable weather, having a preference for comfortable weather
Not to be confused with bitch-boy foreigner jeans, which are highly valuable
“A 70 degree dry night is easily better than a 55 degree wet night”
“Your bitch-boy foreigner genes are kicking in
Used to describe a masculine lesbian; butch dyke, or a stud
That boi bitch has been hitting on my girl.