When you hit a wax pen and the blinky blink comes on
When you with the homie and you pull out the wax pen and hit the blinky blink
The phenomenon where you close your eyes for what you believe to be a couple of seconds, but when you open them again, several minutes to hours have actually passed.
Happens usually when you wake up to an alarm, and still feel really groggy.
I must've been really tired this morning. I woke up early, but I ended up taking a total blink-nap, and almost missed my class!
The point you reach when incredibly fucking high
Happens after taking full length pen rips on the highest setting
Jack: Yo check out Jay’s eyes
Cam: Yeah I know they’re so fucking bloodshot
Danny: You already know Jay is Blink Status
The moment you arrive at Google, and stare blankly at the blinking cursor having forgotten your query.
This phenomena is likely linked to having to check the time twice, because you didn't pay attention when you first checked.
I spent 10 minutes with a Google Blink. When I finally remembered what I was Googling for the moment had passed.
When someone try's there hardest all the time to try and validate themselves. Is thought to commonly happen to people with big ego's
I think David has Blink Syndrome because he's always trying his hardest when we play video games.
an amazing punk/rock band. who makes good music and has been doing so for years. they are not posers, and anyone who thinks so is stupid. you can never compare blink 182 to simple plan because they are completely different bands, and genres and are from different times.
blink 182 is a great band and people who don't think that are stupid.
665👍 645👎