A fortune kid. Normally cares about Fortnite than their girlfriend or boyfriend. They are very kind but on call, can be loud.
Miss spelling words or miss typing a word.
He did a byron on his report. (miss spelled words) so he got a D on it.
is a very sexy man with a extremely large third leg and can pull all the bitches
byron is a future dilf and pulls loads of milfs
If his name is Byron he is the biggest pothead in the world all he does it sleep and smoke
Go ask Byron if he wants to smoke
An annoying fat kids with glasses and can't play any video games
Byron is an amazing guy with a past that he can’t seem to forget. He’s usually outgoing and likes to mess around and goof off. Byron is also extremely funny and makes some of the best jokes. He’s also really attractive and a good kisser. ;) But also, he’s gone through lots of pain and doesn’t realize how much people like and love him. He is also very smart when he puts his mind to it and also athletically inclined. Once you meet him you’ll never want to lose him. He will be one of the best friends you will ever meet.
Girl 1: Did you see Byron the field last night?
Girl 2: Yeah I did, he looked so hot in his uniform:)
This guy has small cock...... He is so bad a video games and is a nigger mexican niggy nigger
Guy 1: Yo Byron... You a mexican niggy nigger
Byron: You know it!