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chili dog

a food that is commonly composed of a hot dog, a bun, and chili. toppings such as relish can also be added

My mom is making chili dogs for dinner tinight.YUM!

by Justin April 28, 2003

771๐Ÿ‘ 637๐Ÿ‘Ž

silly chili

The act of paying (or talking into) a girl to eat out your asshole and you take a laxative right before she begins. As she proceeds to eat your asshole out you shit all over her face and in her mouth. Then you laugh your ass off!

I took a double dose of laxative for twice the silly chili fun on that bitch

by Landon and Tyrell March 5, 2008

62๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

chili dog

when a woman lies back, offers her full supple breasts to a man, who then proceeds to squeeze out a mass of diarrhea shit all between her breasts, making sure to evenly coat them for best tase, then puts his penis between her shit-covered breasts and fucks her tits, which implies a "chili gdog" effect to their love-making.

Johnny wanted tome excitement in his marriage with his 67-year old Vietnamese hooker of a wife, so he spiced it up by making a chili dog.

by Braski April 21, 2004

701๐Ÿ‘ 599๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chili Nail

When one fingers a partners ass (or themselves) and removes the finger, particles of fecal remain lodged under the nail.

Johnny fingered Susan's butt. After pleasuring her, he removes his finger to find small particles of shit under his nail.
Susan: "Johnny it looks like you have a little chili under your nail"

Johnny: Well the taste is a little off but the color is right on!

Chili Nail

by Carolyn chili nail Bunny November 30, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chili Knuckle

When your knuckle gets shit on it from finger fucking your partner in the ass.

I was anal finger-fucking this whore in the parking lot at TGI Fridayโ€™s when I realized... This dirty slut just gave me chili knuckles.

by Doughzer Dick June 9, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

chili dump

The burning sensation cause when shiting after eating hot chili.

Man that chili last night made me take a chili dump this morning.

by Real Tru December 12, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pronounced: \Chil"i\-\Board"ing\
Enhanced interrogation technique using the same methods as 'water-boarding.' Act of using buckets filled with a mixture of urine and excrement which is substituted for water, then dumped on detainees (terrorists) heads to simulate the sensation of drowning in human waste in order to obtain valuable intellegence. Mostly used on terrorists who are especially dirty, since the use of water would actually clean them resulting in appreciation from said terrorist.

CIA interrogator 1: "Hey Smith, this guy won't budge. What should we do to get him to talk?"

Interrogator Smith: "Alright, he asked for it. Proceed with Chili-Boarding!"

by Billy Grundle May 1, 2009

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