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Cinnamon Hangover

The feeling you get for up to an hour after attempting the cinnamon challenge. Some signs of a cinnamon hangover include, but are not limited too: Extreme drowsiness, diarrhea, and wanting to cut off your own nose.

Cole: What happened to you two?
Wade: (passed out)
Tanner: We just tried the cinnamon challenge and now we have a huge cinnamon hangover. FML.
Cole: Only 1 tablespoon of cinnamon?....pussy.

by WadeSlade January 8, 2012

cinnamon sex

When you do the cinnamon challenge before you fuck

Blue: "Fem, wanna do the cinnamon challenge?"
Fem: "Hell Yea!"


Fem: "Aight wanna have cinnamon sex now?"
Blue: "Absolutely Not"

by JVLIA November 19, 2022

Cinnamon memory

The act of happily accessing someone’s memories from their formative years.

‘The sun was shining and the trees cast shadows on the ground. It didn’t really matter if I was late, so I used to just listen to my music and wait endlessly for the bus to school. I loved the fact that time felt ...’


Cinnamon memory.

by May 9, 2021

Cinnamon CumShot

(Cinnamon CumShot)
When a guy bust's a fat nut in a girls eye and it starts to burn her eye

What was all the commotion last night?
"Oh it was just me and Isaac foolin around last night, he gave me a "Cinnamon Cum shot" and it hit my eye and it burned

A Cinnamon Cumshot is when a guy nuts in a girls eye and causes serious irritations and inflammation

by PizzaShopGuy February 11, 2018

Cinnamon Ring

The place that poopies come out of.

Cinnamon Ring

by Rebels71 May 4, 2021

Cinnamon Rolled

When a girl gets a facial after eating booty

I saw a porn of a girl getting cinnamon rolled.

by Sephy The Lark June 14, 2018

Cinnamon Rolled

When you cum on a girls butt cheek or stomach then use a knife you had laying next to you to spread it around like your applying icing on a cinnamon roll.

Oh, Damn I heard Bdezee totally cinnamon rolled that chick last night it was nuts.

by therealfoxmccloud October 15, 2015