ConCrafter is a guy with a small penis. He sucks dicks, is gay and not really intelligent. If you see a ConCrafter, you have to run away, because a ConCrafter is badder than a guy, who is called "Kevin", "Jeremy", or "Pascal".
Look at this homosexual guy....I think his nickname is ConCrafter.
Concrafter is an amazing goddamn Youtuber who loves pizza over all.
He looks so fucking good that nobody could beat him in #eskays former videos, he just such a godlike beautiful guy. He seems to marry his friend #krancrafter soon, the love between them can be watched in their letsplays #minecraft mauz
Concrafter likes pizza, me too
Concrafters sind meistens sehr scheu. Manchmal kommen sie aus ihrem Versteck und dann muss man vorsichtig sein, da sie sich schnell wieder verkriechen. Besonders häufig begegnet man einem von ihnen auf der Plattform YouTube.
Ihnen steht der Spitzname Luca und sie haben einen sehr sexy Körper! Also nutzt die Gelegenheit, wenn ihr einen dieser Art seht und versucht es zu zähmen, damit ihr diesen seltenen Moment nicht versäumt...
"Boa, hast du den Typen dahinten gesehen? Was ist denn mit dem falsch?"
" Ja mann, richtiger Concrafter."
ConCrafter or luca
A very stupid Youtuber, who always brings unpleasant jokes and thinks he could make his audience laugh. He also has no long penis and is not very attractive either. The 2 million subscribers follow him only because of his winnings, money activities or Clickbait. He still likes tomato juice.
ConCrafter is a youtuber.
A stupid German Youtuber who don't know how to make videos. Fawelaruderudis would Doctors say.
You're a real concrafter ... your videos are awful
concrafter is luca. he have a girlfriend. it´s krankrafter aka max. as a ship they called #mauz.
by the way... LUCA LOVES PIZZA!!! aaaand here a secret..... LUCA-SHOP.DE
Concrafter is a cool youtuber who loves pizza and alpakas 🍕 (and he's a little bit crazy) :)
(Tja, jetzt habe ich vor dir einen geschrieben) 😂
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