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A person of very low IQ.

Person 1:"Red Scorpion, TAG 63, and Tom Bown are all just a bunch of DONKS"
Person 2: "YEAH THEY ARE!!!"
Bown: "Okay"

by plopilpy November 17, 2020


A Northern Irish slang for a idiotic or retarded person.

"You're a wee Donk"
Benedict was quite the Donk

by William J Shakespeare April 23, 2021


A state of sudden fatigue shortly after eating a heavy meal when driving long distance. Like “the itis” but only when driving. Taken from “bonking” in endurance sports.

Girl I’m donking hard after we stopped for KFC, I don’t think I can make it 2 more exits.

by Gw November 27, 2020


(1) The action of randomly hitting someone over the head with a ping-pong paddle.
(2) What big donkeys do to make little donkeys.
(3) The act of screwing someone for money -derived from bonking, which is the act of screwing someone for fun. This type of donking is very common in the world of professional boxing.

(1) Stop donking me with that paddle.
(2) No need to be graphic here.
(3) Jeff Fenech and Mike Tyson have both been victims of donking during their boxing careers.

by spiderdan July 5, 2005

12👍 15👎


when you fuck a donkey


by Fred is shitty= November 1, 2019

4👍 2👎


American slang for a women’s fat ass.
Usually said in the third person bcuz although it’s meant as compliment, it may be considered lowkey disrespectful when said to someone’s face.

ill-advised usage —
Travis: Daaaammn babygirl, you got a DONK!! Can I talk to you for a minute?
Isabelle: ew no

advised usage —
Soulja Boy: She got a donk.

by bbxx95 June 12, 2021

2👍 2👎


not to be confused with ba-donka-donk, meaning good looking booty, ba-donk-a-donk-donk is an expression of joy or happiness.

I got an A on the test! Ba donk a donk donk!

by j0nes May 10, 2003

56👍 104👎