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Tongue Draft

Tongue Draft

A method of cooling down hot food in another person’s mouth by blowing gently into their mouth

The Mother noticed that her young child was experiencing the discomfort of very hot food in her mouth, so she incorporated the tongue draft method and gently blew air into the child’s mouth

by Roxx65 May 7, 2024

Smooth Draft

A gentler way to say "rough draft."

"Did you write your rough draft?"
"No, but I wrote a smooth draft!"

by Pokey89 December 7, 2007

Draft Dogged

When you have intentions or driving somewhere, get high on your way and are to paranoid to even stop at the location so you keep driving.

I was hot boxing and decided to go to the mall, drove all the way there and draft dogged when I suspected people might smell what I had been doing so drove around town instead listening to styx.

by Mr. Zoog October 28, 2011

Draft Dodge

Verb: The act of taking the time to type out a saucy comment or pedantic essay, only to delete it all in favor of an amicable prosaic note, thereby taking the high road and leaving no trace or permanent record of your true snarkiness.

After Donald pissed me off with his Tweet degrading Hispanic Americans, I almost posted a curse-laden response, but draft dodged it in favor of an eye roll emoji.

by The Chameleon Novel December 27, 2021


1. An overdraft used solely for the purchase of alcohol (common amongst students)
2. When an overdraft facility is used to obtain money for purchasing alcohol (common in the lead up to pay day)

1. "This evening I will be making use of my generous Booze-o-draft"
2. "Think I'll need to use the Booze-o-draft today"

by Tom Wilinson November 12, 2010

Daft draft

An insta account with the best humorous illustrations for a desi audience.

Daft Draft is amazing

by Jalebi123 June 7, 2020

draft kings

they are so desperate for users

draft kings suck. use caesar’s rewards

by Kanye Southeast June 18, 2024