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Your a moriah elizabeth fan and want to see if "drainting" is a true word

You: hmm I wonder if this is a actualy word
You: This does not answer my question that is is drainting a word

by Ilovethiswebsitelol June 20, 2021


The action of drainting is the action of drawing with paint

Let’s begin drainting this design

by Akira_Akatsuki October 10, 2022


A method of painting designed by the one, the only

Moriah Elizabeth

I shall be drainting this squishie until it DROWNS!!!

by ranboozler September 27, 2020


it is a word made by Moriah Eilzabeth

i am drainting this

by skyler poter November 21, 2020


The act of drawing simultaneously, typically using Paint pens

I M drainting a picture

by Ava123456789183 August 7, 2023


When you used paint pens

I had fun drainting last night

by Ronnieronnie March 25, 2022


Drawing and painting at the same time.

I am drainting this piece of art.

by Moriah Elesibeth fan August 11, 2020