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A music buff who usually tends towards the metal side of life. Has a penchant for whiskeys and bourbon. Sometimes has problems involving a pain in the foot. Unassuming yet very clever when it comes to phillosophical matters. Frugal yet generous. Sexy but not over the top. Erics give lots of kisses and make the best food. Eric is gorgeous.

Persdon 1: He's really hot - but unassuming...
Person 2: Oh! You mean he's an Eric!

by Sagittarius girl February 5, 2010

36👍 51👎


A really huge bro who loves the U of A and has stickers all over his car. Usually Erics can be found telling people what to do and always being right, because he is such a bro.

Did you see Erics new Jersey?

Yea he is such a bro!

by John cocklong October 21, 2009

48👍 73👎


Just a big dick. Back stabs lies alot does everything a bit good person would do

Man that guy is such an Eric

by Digbick22 April 14, 2022


The means of saying racist things acting like it’s a joke when in all reality they’re a closet racist

That’s racist, don’t be such an Eric

by lolwowok July 20, 2022


Someone is born to ball and will autisticly show dominance by breathing

Wow that asshole really acts like an Eric

by Random user555 November 11, 2019


King of God

Oh that's Eric he is so honorable, respectable and nice he is a King of God

by Ezon23 August 5, 2022


A bin chicken

That rat eating eric

by Cookie catty 96 April 9, 2019