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lyric floating

The practice of regularly posting vague, obscure rhetorical lyrics to Facebook as status updates. Typically, such posts have neither quotation marks nor context to explain their relevance. As a result, readers may find them confusing, even failing to recognize them as lyrics at all.

Jane Doe Emo:

if you don't don't know, why would you say so? would you mean this please if it happens?

Commenter #1:

um...huh? wtf are you talking about?

Commenter #2:

Oh, I think that's a line from some Jimmy Eat World song...just Jane lyric floating as usual. You can just ignore it; everyone else will.

by LuckyLymon March 15, 2011

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Float The Boat

Getting An Erection.

Man: I'm Trying To Float The Boat!
Woman: Try Harder! My Ass Is Getting Cold!

by AlexPower August 16, 2008

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Floating turd

A party pooper. One who ruins the fun of things, like a little kid pooping in a bathtub.

SO we were kissing and then his GIRLFRIEND walked in and was like wtf man
::omg what a FLOATING TURD::
yeah i know right??

by Rebecca!! September 15, 2006

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floating verse

Early blues music lyrics, cobbled together from personal experiences, existing bits and local lore.

The 'grunt-'n'-slide' music of early country bluesmen has a unique floating verse combined with its own African 'griot' origins.

by hammer---;, hytham April 16, 2007

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Farmers Float

The act by which a man(usually a farmer) pisses into a womans(usually the farmers wife) mouth until it fills up with piss. Then he shits in her mouth causing the shit to float around in the piss.

Jed had a hard day working on the farm, so when he got home he gave his wife Connie a Farmers Float.

by GangstaCrizzab May 30, 2007

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floating cornhole

When two people have anal sex in while completely submersed in the water.

Rachel and I were at the beach last night and I tried to pull a floating cornhole, but she said no it's exit only.

by Der Commisar July 8, 2009

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floating blowjob

When a big Viking girl picks you up in the air from your buttocks and gives you a blowjob.

Hey bro did Svetlana gave you a floating blowjob last night?

by George Bonaparte February 25, 2018

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