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Bert's Law of Forgetful Transactions

The probability of a finance manager forgetting to collect the down payment that is directly proportional to the size of the down payment and inversely proportional to the memory capacity of the involved manager.

I saw the finance manager running after a customer realizing that Bert's Law of Forgetful Transactions had taken place.

by K9 _Cop May 22, 2024

Don't forget the bag

If you forget the bag, you will have bad luck.

The football team forgot the fucking bag and our coach even said don't forget the bag, FUCK!

by 420Nnnnnnnnn69 November 30, 2018

Potato forgetfulness

When you go to cook up some potatoes but you forgot what potatoes are and you think they are poisonous you don't cook or eat them and after a while they grow so big that the house explodes.

Try not to be potato forgetful today or this house will be no more.

Oh no, There was a dude that was potato forgetful today and made the building explode, Silly potato forgetfulness people.

by Devarite September 30, 2021

Let me think about that and forget it quickly

A phrase you say to someone when you don't want to consider their suggestion seriously.
A phrase you say to someone when they have an egregious suggestion or opinion.

Can I guy your gaming chair for $5?

Let me think about that and forget it quickly.

by SGT_ED May 21, 2024

Don’t Forget to Biggie Cheese!

A term used as a simple gesture to say goodbye to friends that share the same meme interest as you, such as biggie cheese.

Friend: Alright dude, see you tomorrow!

You: Alright man, don’t forget to biggie cheese!

by pleefo September 18, 2020

Forget that boy

Something you can say to shitty boys or to just reference not shitty queens (aka, Little Mix)

"You stupid bitch Kelly, just Forget that boy."

"Omg, I love that song!"

"What the fuck."

by shrimpyboobies October 16, 2019

Forget that boy

Something you can say to shitty boys, or just to reference non shitty queens (aka Little Mix)

"You stupid bitch Kelly, just Forget that boy."

"Omg, I love that song!"

"What the fuck."

by shrimpyboobies October 16, 2019