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Cringe Slay Bussin' No Cap Bet Simp Lit Drip No Way Vibe Check Yeet Bruh Stan Pfp FYP W L Fr Chuggy ILY Glow Up FOMO Cursed Fr Fr Aesthetic

I was bussin' with excitement when I saw the pfp of my friend’s glow up on my FYP. No cap, she’s been slaying lately, and I was like, "Yasss, that’s a major W!" But then, she texted me and said the party was a vibe check—the drip was on point, but the music was pure cringe. I was like, "Bruh, how is that even possible?" She said the DJ was simping for his ex, and the whole thing was just chuggy. I felt that FOMO hit hard, but I didn’t want to go because I didn’t wanna be the no way person in the corner. But I had to text her, "ILY, but I’m good." The whole thing seemed like a cursed situation. Fr, I wasn’t about to yeet myself into that chaos, so I just chilled at home. Fr fr, sometimes it’s better to stay in and save yourself from a L.

Cringe Slay Bussin' No Cap Bet Simp Lit Drip No Way Vibe Check Yeet Bruh Stan Pfp FYP W L Fr Chuggy ILY Glow Up FOMO Cursed Fr Fr Aesthetic is a list of almost all gen Z words.

by Pizzaking3201 January 23, 2025

Nah bro fr?

A common phrased used when someone says something stupid.

Stupid person: The sky is blue
Smart Person: Nah bro fr?

by starselect December 3, 2023

fr fr no cap

The phrase "fr fr no cap" is a shortened way of saying "For real, for real, no cap". "No cap" is a slang term, meaning "No bullshit", "No shit" etc. and it is commonly used to signal the fact that some kind of information is not false. Therefore, "fr fr no cap" is a phrased commonly used by Gen Z's to signal the same thing: the fact that some kind of information is not false.

"Bro's actually braindead fr fr no cap!"

by ilovelinguistics123 January 23, 2024

You’re so annoying fr

What they actually mean is “You’re handsome, I’ll do whatever you tell me to and I want to fu*k your brains out”.

Him:”Hey do something for me
Her:”You’re so annoying fr”

by Kgybs January 25, 2024

1👍 1👎


fratello fra / tello,

In italian "fra" means "bro".

if we change the "atm" with the "tello" at the end of the phrase

There you have fra🏧 that means if translated to italian
"homie that exchanges flashlights/dildos with you"

Example "Ay fr🏧, wanna do some shit with your dildos later? Its gay only if you want to"

by Not ronnie August 16, 2020

Fr-HIGHday the 13th

A tradition of calling out of work, avoiding responsibilities, and not being where you should be. The belief is that if you are out of place and high misfortune won’t find you.

Hey, we’re calling out tomorrow, roasting some bones, and heading downtown for Fr-HIGHday the 13th. You in?

by Keasterbunny October 13, 2023

Simps fr

Eva and evie

Eva and Evie are simps fr

by Peepeepoopoosimp October 31, 2020