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lee felix

lee felix is an handsome kind god. he is apart of the kpop group stray kids

the definition of talented is Lee Felix

by feelix December 26, 2020

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Felix Kjellberg

Otherwise known as Pewdiepie. He is not a racist and is married to Marzia Kjellberg. He has a hit Minecraft series and has over 100 Million Subscribers on Youtube.

"Felix Kjellberg just got married, hit 100 million subs on youtube, and his reddit page hit 2 million followers in the same week!

by Pewdiepieminecraft September 3, 2019

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lee felix

bisexual king and 1/8 of self producing group stray kids, also referred to as rainbow unicorn

a: why is lee felix trending again?

b: oh probably because he punches homophobes in the face!

by skzgay October 14, 2020

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felix sunshine

a nickname that stays made for the bestest boy in the world. felix has acknowledged this nickname and now hashtags his post "#felixsunshine". lee felix is literally a ray of sunshine.

PERSON 1: did you see the new instagram post that felix made?
PERSON 2: yes!! he wrote the caption ''I'm really delighted to hear from our stays calling me "Felix Sunshine"! I finally believe I can outshine anything"
PERSON 1: he really is best boy :((. felix sunshine.

by u/throwaway14 August 10, 2020

Lee Felix

The reason I daydream during maths and can't think straight.

"When are you getting a job?" says mum
"After Lee Felix marries me. Until then, you'll have to pay for your own chicken nuggies fatass" replied my savage ass.

by stray kids 9 or none June 13, 2019

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Felix Shot

Referred to an alcoholic beverage containing a minuscule amount of liquor and a large volume of non-alcoholic mixers. The term is used to draw attention to the fact that a person who is having a Felix Shot is a pussy, as he/she is pretending to consume a large volume of alcohol but in fact is drinking mostly juice.
The term has been coined after an individual named Felix, based out of Calgary, who has been practicing this very despicable ritual for years.

Is that a Felix Shot? Come on, have a big boy drink, add some more alcohol to your mix.

by VP (Calgary) June 21, 2014

felix's cheesestick

-it's a cheesestick, but it belongs to felix. that is why it's special
-the reason why mr. lee yongbok of stray cheese is accused of taking the food


by undercover human March 9, 2019