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First Hill

A hall at NCSSM that puts Windex in its water fountains. Full of weebs and virgins. The designers of campus knew these guys couldn't pull, even with an unsupervised tunnel connecting them to the girl halls.

Despite making up only 5% of the NCSSM population, First Hill drinks 100% of the Windex and lead on campus!

by UniGapers United September 3, 2019

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first wank

For some, the most important date in their sexual life history. Often connected to naked Claudia Schiffer, Sharon Stone or some other now elderly celeb. Usually celebrated with a long masturbation session.

Oh, today is the 20th anniversary of my first wank! I have to find a copy of Basic Instinct to celebrate it!

A: When did you lose your virginity, dude?
B: Hmmm, I can't tell you that. I can tell you about my first wank.
A: But you're 30 man...oh my goodness...

by Satan's Cock May 13, 2008

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First Drunk

That euphoric, can do anything feeling when you are halfway through your first drink and all you can think about is drinking more, it's a state of mind...thats when you are first drunk. SO ENJOY! It usually results in a shit eating grin.

I knew the night was going to be fun after I got my first drunk. Whoo hoo, everybody gets laid! Except you, you have BO and are not first drunk because you got a dui last month.

by LKMKLK June 5, 2012

The First Definition

The first definition, on the day the site was created, 9/12/1999.
Brutal - December 9, 1999
"Anything that makes you sweat"
Man, this morning's calisthenics were brutal.
by Eugene December 9, 1999
It is also almost 25 years old and can be found on page 6 after searching for 'brutal', 6th definition on page 6

Damn I just cant find the first definition on urban dictionary
Well there it was

by ._.pres August 26, 2023

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November First

Give Ryan Johnson-Bey all of your cash day so give this child your life savings Thanks

November first

Yo diggity triggity my mans Biggity just gave all his money to this ugly bum named Ryan Johnson-Bey

by SuperGogeta October 30, 2019


First of all, before anything else, on the very top of your to-do list.

First-up, you need to make sure you have enough money before thinking about starting your own business.

by Dean1122 April 6, 2016

first partying

When you put your party in first place baby

We first partied our way to victory that match.

First partying was the key to that win.

by Goat Billy August 3, 2020