The hottest squad under the sun. If you aint a bope, you a lope, hate cuz fame comes easy for us bopes. with its 9 original and 4 added members of bope we roll as the best, nothin less. fuck the rest.
Yo man, i deadass wanna be a member of team bope (nicku lmfao), ill do anything for team bope!
Team SS were a hacker/IP grabbing organization formed in September 2019.
The members consist of Sa_lon, ShadowyThissThis, TreeHouseKing0225, itsmelollipopchua, thunderstorm0511 and more.
Eventually Eazy Cloak has victoriously defeated the hacking organization in March 2020 during COVID-19,
The team initials "Team SS" mean the Team of ShadowyThissThis (Shadow) and Sa_lon (Salon).
Eazy Cloak: Oh yeah guys, people from the Eazy Squad, we have defeated Team SS who joined our server at first but we never realized that they were hackers.
Some who starts off a FPS S&D match by grenading his/her entire team, making them loss the round.
Dude, you ****in Team Nader, you just lost us the game!
Team TickuF aka TikcuF is a group that was created by Aanór Náilima.
OMG I love Team TikcuF so so much.
The act of urinating with a group of men during a party, usually outdoors. also see Team piss.
Guy 1: "I need to piss, bro I'm like 6 brews deep!"
Guy 2: "Team slash!"
Both Guys: "Yeah!!!"
Refers to the followers of Projekt Melody. Is commonly used by followers to identify other followers irl without directly speaking about Projekt Melody.
"I'm a member of the Science Team!"
The act of a group of guys standing in a circle at a party and slipping their nutsacks through their zippers with hopes that an innocent bystander (usually female) in the middle of the group, will look down and see 5 or more sacks of onions.
Tamara was traumatized when she realized she was a victim of a game of Team Onions.