Fruits Basket (also known as Furuba) is a shojo (girls) manga about a 16 year old girl named Tohru Honda who recently loses her mother and winds up living with the Sohma family. She soons finds out that the Sohma family is cursed with the vengeful spirits of the Chinease Zodiac and turn into animals when weak or hugged by the opposite sex. The story and characters are very original, which makes Fruits Basket a very popular manga.
I love Momijii from Fruits Basket!
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soft beverage composed of:
1/2 bacardi
1/2 jack daniel's
1/2 vodka
1/2 coca-cola
martin: passssssssss-moi donc un peu d'gardant fruit l'ami!
When you get sweaty whenever you come in contact with fruit.
Person 1: Bro why are you soaking wet?!
Person 2: Sorry I never got to tell you but I have the WORST FRUIT SWEATSβ and you eating the entire strawberry plant with a fork and knife doesnβt help me!!
A South Beach early bird special is full of fruit wrinkles
When in the act of getting titty fucked (preferably a woman) one sucks the banana (montrous cock) and switches to suck the melons (humongous tits) repeatedly. Obviously recieving a nutrious variety of fruit.
I asked the local nuns if they would like a fruit sample, they eagerly accepted.
The act of wrapping a fruit roll up around your dick before getting head as a cheap alternative to flavored condoms, then after the blow job, hold your penis wrapped in fruit roll-up against her cheek, leaving a tatoo from the Fruit roll up on her cheek.
Ex. Johnny:Dude, I fruit dicked the fuck outta Wendy the other day bro!
Abel:What was the image?
Johnny:Just Shaggy from scooby doo.
Abel: I really wanna try that dude.
Johnny: U should. Its a great experience.
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