When you are too lazy to have sex so you just lay down and let that pink pussy go on you.
If you're garfielding, you're a bitch.
Fisting milfs with lasagna whilst doing a fortnite dance
Garfield lol
I do The Garfield to your mother
Having sexual intercourse whilst consuming lasagna. Hence forth calling upon the Erdreich horror of the deep known as Garfield once you climax.
P1: "Bro she let me go Garfield style on her last night "
P2:" lucky asssssss"
The best person and kindness person ever!
"neana garfield is the coolest person in the world."
A really fat girl doing things she shouldn’t be.
God, look at that Garfield try and get into that lifted Jeep.
The fat cat that is a lord and is fatter than Koolaidman Garfield is also defied as a mountain
Hey Garfield got up from his winter hybernation