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IB Students

Losers who sacrifice every aspect of their social life, only for IB to absolutely destroy them.

Also: People who think they are smarter than the standard student, only to realize that they all end up in the same place: McDonalds.


“Look. IB students. Pathetic.”

“You can’t get into Harvard with a 23

by Notgae March 6, 2020

7👍 5👎


Synonym for Rib: One of any of the bones in the thoracic structure in vertibrates that encases the cavity between the head and diaphragm. When prepared in or with baba-que sauce, it is considered a cultural favorite food item among urban folk.

Note: not to be confused with the Mac Ree-ib, which has no bones.

"Hey-yo Chauncy! You steel got ree-ib sauce in yo chinstrap. Here go a baby wipe."

by Zor Prime November 25, 2003

3👍 1👎

IB Fag

I member of the International Bachelorette program in high schools across the world, that worries to much about their school work and complains about IB all the fucking time. Mostly about how they never have time to do anything they want to do besides IB.

"Hey dude! Did you hear Zak complain about his IB paper? What an IB Fag!"

by pussydestroyer1350 November 9, 2017

4👍 2👎


Acronym for I'm Being Sarcastic.

(It also stands for irritable bowel syndrome.)

A: Hey fattie.
B: Ouch. Uncool.
A: Dude. IBS.

by ZXcZ October 9, 2007

2👍 32👎

IB Kid

a kid who is way cool/smart/flyy/awesome/good lookin'
(and who is enrolled in the IB program)

ghetto kid: "AYO u goin 2 dat partay 2night brotha foo??"
IB kid: "HECK YEAH! cuz i have no hw tonite b/c i am a super fly IB kid!! yeah boii!!"

by CHATANGA July 18, 2006

58👍 94👎

ibs attack

The polite way to say somebody has shit themselves

Oh did you hear about poor mrs #### she had an Ibs attack at the bingo

by Ralph 😁😁😁 March 23, 2022

IB History

A long two year mindfuck that requires you to second guess everything you think about the world. The teachers assigns you pages of homework each day that you don't have the time to complete or remember to fucking do. The level of bullshit that you have to go through for the next goddamn two years just for a motherfucking diploma is so stupid. The history teacher is usually cool though.

Why the fuck did I sign up for IB history?!

by KNC Undercover January 18, 2022